Workshop organized by the members of Running For Ayotzinapa 43* at AAA3A. The main idea was to create objects to be used for the vigil and march from the United Nations to the Mexican Consulate ending at Times Square in September, for the 5 year demand for justice for the missing 43 students from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, events.
Please join in solidarity with Antonio Tizapa on the 26th of each month, to protest crimes against humanity in Mexico, to demand the return of the Ayotzinapa 43, and for truth and justice for the more than 40,000 disappeared.
Por favor, únase en solidaridad con Antonio Tizapa el 26 de cada mes, para protestar por los crímenes de la humanidad en México, para exigir el regreso de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa y por la verdad y la justicia para los más de 40,000 desaparecidos.
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