Basic Bookbinding Workshop  -  Pamphlet and Long-Stitch Books
Led by artist Jessica Lagunas

Duration:  June 2019

In this hands-on workshop we learned the basics of bookbinding by creating a simple pamphlet book with 5-holes and sewn with a chain stitch; and then we upped our game with a long-stitch structure with 3 signatures.

It included an introduction to bookbinding by briefly discussing and demonstrating the tools traditionally used, and several concepts like "paper grain," cut, scoring and making folds; and various sewing aspects like how to secure a needle, add thread, which direction to sew, among others.

About the artist:  Jessica Lagunas' work deals with the condition of woman in contemporary society.  Parting from a concept and using a minimum of elements, she is frequently interested in working with unconventional materials —makeup, hair, perfume— to approach projects that question our relationships with others and with ourselves, and confronting her fears by working obsessively in an intricate and laborious way.  She uses a variety of media, such as video-performance, installation, drawing, prints, artist books, embroidery, and recently weaving.


In a place as busy as New York City, it is extremely difficult to gather friends to share special moments.   This is why AAA3A decided to create a series of workshops conducted by local artists and crafted by and for artists' friends and/or neighbors.  In addition to introducing a new technique and/or skill, each encounter concluded with the sharing of a meal.  The support for these workshops arrived from California and we are eternally grateful to this extraordinary family that continues to support AAA3A since its inception.

Photos are from the various days of the workshop...